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ACRS provides multiple behavioral health and recovery services to the populations we serve. ACRS uses a needs assessment protocol to find a targeted population and address their needs. Specific goals and outcomes shall be achieved that are logically linked to the needs expressed. ACRS uses this information to name one or more science-based prevention and recovery programs appropriate for meeting the needs, goals and objectives of Persons Served.


 ACRS uses a Feasibility Tool to assess the possibility of implementing either a science-based prevention program or recovery program comparing the practicality of implementing two or more programs. The use of the Feasibility Tool helps ACRS select a program that best fits our capacity to fulfill.








ACRS provides case management services to the populations we serve.  This process involves the monitoring and coordination of parallel services, accompanied by a comprehensive case finding method inclusive of multidimensional assessment and reassessment. ACRS offers supportive and permanent housing accompanied by the proper recovery support services for those persons that are victims of homelessness and chronic homelessness. A housing readiness curriculum has been designed to achieve desired outcomes for the homeless and chronic homeless.




Abundant Community Recovery Services (ACRS) is a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) organization that serves and supports

people suffering with morbid and co-morbid disorders. ACRS is dedicated to empowering, educating and equippinPersons Served to make choices that will enhance their quality of life. We accomplish this by welcoming individuals into a group

of peers in a judgement free and safe community. Creating an environment that is conducive to recovery and healthy activities along with interacting with a compassionate staff that provides a group of comprehensive programs in a setting which promotes an opportunity for our Persons Served to reinvent themselves in mind, body and spirit; by coaching them on life skills that supports continuous self-discovery and social awareness. We assist them in establishing their personal recovery goals and an action plans that will enable them to succeed in attaining their recovery goals.


(Community Change, Alternatives, Information, Training)


The focus of prevention services at ACRS is MSM youth that are underage drinkers and are HIV positive or practicing high risk behaviors for contracting HIV. ACRS’ prevention strategies are also focused on the senior community, adults 55 years and older, and school aged youth that have an identified problem with prescription drug abuse.


ACRS implements an outreach program that focuses on Women and the LGBT community… specifically Women with dependent children and LGBT youth & adults that are HIV positive or practicing high risk behaviors for HIV. ACRS offers a medication adherence program to our school aged youth and seniors populations that express they have a problem with prescription drug abuse.



(A Recovery-Oriented System of Care Perspective)


A ROSC is a coordinated network of community-based services and support.  It is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and communities to achieve abstinence and improved health, wellness and quality of life for those with or at risk of alcohol and drug problems.

ACRS embraces and implements the values of ROSC in the delivery of recovery support services to our targeted populations by:

  • Participation of family members, caregivers, significant other, friends, community

  • Individualized, comprehensive services and supports

  • Community-based services and supports


ACRS implements the elements of ROSC in our operational protocols:

  • Collaborative decision making

  • Continuity of services & supports

  • Service quality & responsiveness

  • Multiple stakeholder involvement

  • Recovery community/peer involvement

  • Outcomes-driven, for the individual, for the system

  • Adequately and flexibly funded

  • Outcomes for the Individual


Reduced criminal Justice involvement:

  • Stability in housing

  • Improved health

  • Social connectedness

  • Quality of life

  • Programming

    Recovery Supports

  • Daily individual sessions: for Persons Served that express the need for support to discuss the ongoing co-morbid concerns that one faces in the process of recovery.

  • Daily group support sessions: ACRS provides a minuet of group sessions with topical content that has been designed by the Persons Served. Our group supports are: cognitive behavioral skill building; recovery in everyday living; self- acceptance and recovery; societal re-engagement; managing trauma; rape and incest; developing a career path; living with HIV; self- esteem building; parenting in recovery; keeping up a recovery environment (cleaning this old house); stress management; developing community relationships (this group session will provide collaborations with Michigan Rehabilitative Services and DTE Energy); healthy living group sessions; and emotional management group sessions.


  • ACRS provides transportation for recovering people that are seeking employment, and for people that are employed. ACRS provides transportation to recovering persons participating in educational programs.  ACRS provides transportation for medical emergencies.

  • Nutritional Support: ACRS offers monthly nutritional support in the form of fresh, locally grown vegetables offered from partners such as Food Lab/ Neighborhood Noodle, Local Urban Farmers of Detroit, and Forgotten Harvest.

  • Medication Adherence; ACRS provides a comprehensive medication adherence program for those recovering people and their families that are in need of, or are taking a medication. This service is provided in partnership with MedCart Pharmacy.

  • Housing Readiness: ACRS offers a proven housing readiness service to recovering people that are engaging upon supportive housing or permanent housing. This program offers a full curriculum that is used by the recovering people and their families.

  • Referral Services: ACRS offers a full range of referral services to persons we serve, these referral services are person centered, and person driven.

  • Leisure Activities: It is ACRS’ philosophy that leisure activities are paramount in the process of re-engaging oneself into healthy living. ACRS uses an activity calendar to highlight leisure and cultural activities. 


Abundant Community Recovery Services (ACRS) Housing Readiness program offers housing and housing readiness strategies to homeless and chronically homeless people. Established in 2009 the ACRS housing readiness program continues produced desired programmatic outcomes and positive outcomes for the persons we serve.

  • Intake and Assessment Criteria

  • ACRS uses a comprehensive person centered screening and assessment process to establish the core needs of the person served. Screening and assessments are done in-house at the ACRS intake and placement office or screenings and assessments are done where the person may be i.e. shelter, referring office, screening and assessments can also be done by mobile unit on the street. Persons served must meet the criteria of our targeted populations which is HIV-+ Single Mothers with two or less dependent children, HIV-+  Men Sexually active with Men, HIV-+ Transgender Male and Female, HIV-+ Single Women, and HIV-+ Single Men all populations we serve must be homeless or chronically homeless. 

  • Placement

  • Upon completion of intake persons are referred for placement. Placement for families is high priority therefore the timeline for placement of families is immediate – 72 hours, placement for all other persons is determined by severity of homelessness and availability, however placement in any case is not to exceed 72 hours.

  • Philosophy of Environment

  • It is the philosophy of ACRS that environment play a key role in holistic development.  Environment also serves as a support mechanisms to people that suffer morbid disorders, therefore all of the properties that are used for our housing readiness program must meet strict policy and procedural processes that ensure healthy and vibrant environments.



The Rolling Recovery unit can been seen in many of our high risk opioid areas in Wayne County. Our goal is to educate and provide direct services to as many persons suffering from the affects of opioid addiction as possible. The ACRS Mobile Unit can be use to educated programs regarding the benefits of Naloxone for persons at risk for opioid overdose. These programs include SUD treatment programs, Primary Care Clinics, Urgent Care Clinics, Shelters, and Recovery Homes.


Services are include: 

COVID-19 testing

Naloxone information and training

Dispensing of naloxone kits for those persons that are using opioids or entities that engage opioid users  at risk for opioid overdose. 

Point of engagement individual therapy.

Clothing Closet for those in need.

Personal Hygiene kits.

Substance Use Disorder treatment referrals.

Primary Care referrals.

Point of Engagement Health Insurance services.

Mental Health services referrals.

Employment Listings.

Transportation services.

Food and Nutrition services.

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